3.4. Legal framework on training of EWC members.


In order to perform their representation role fully and to ensure that the European Works Council is useful, employees’ representatives must report to the employees whom they represent and must be able to receive the training they require.

As provided by art. 10 par. 4 of directive 2009/38, in so far as this is necessary for the exercise of their representative duties in an international environment, the members of the special negotiating body and of the European Works Council shall be provided with training without loss of wages.

According to the Directive, the central management shall bear the costs of organization and interpretation of meetings, and the costs of accommodation and travel of the European Works Council and its select committee members.

Usually, the training of EWC members is regulated by the agreement on the establishment of the EWC.

In particular, the EWC agreements provide for the right of delegates to receive training at individual, collective or EWC level as well as abstaining from work to attend training courses.

In line with the EU directive, it is also expected that the costs of training are borne by the central management.

Usually the organization of the training is a matter of the employee representatives that determine:

-              the content of the training

-              the organizational details of the courses (at the individual, national, or EWC level).

Workers’ representatives also choose the trainers.

Training is a very important right because it allows the EWC delegates to perform their duties with full awareness of its role as ensuring the knowledge of the law and the applicable practices, as well as the working methods for an effective and fruitful dialogue and management of information flow.

Proper and continuous training of EWC delegates also allows to achieve additional goals. In fact, beyond the understanding of the role of the EWC member and representative of workers, and the knowledge of the tools to carry out its functions, the training is a useful and effective tool to develop strategies for a transnational representation of workers, evaluating the best solution for the EWC and to share experiences with other participants.