1.5.1. Advice for preparation of an international meeting with interpreting Check list


Advice for preparation of an international meeting with interpreting


·         Always pick the right interpreting method for the planned event.

·         Not everyone who speaks a language is also a good interpreter.

·         Be careful when the corporate management offers an employee with foreign language skills as a “cost-efficient” alternative to providing a professional interpreter.

·         Provide the interpreters with as much background information on the event as possible.

·         Support the interpreters in their work. Make sure that they receive copies of the documents that are referred to before the meeting.

·         Ensure that the interpreters are familiar with the “trade union lingo” and the EWC specialist terms as well as the typical EU diction.

·         If possible, avoid expressions widely unknown to anyone not at home in the center of the trade union organization.

·         Think of your listeners when talking about interpreting. Many of us have an accent, speak dialect or speak very quickly